Saturday, August 31, 2013

Random moments of life that leave you wondering...

Ok, so you know those times in your life when you feel like you have no idea what is about to happen, or why something so totally random just occured? Come on now, don't lie to me, I'm sure you've had a lot of those... Yes? Well okay then... In my case recently, it was the latter that happened.

Now, I know, you are probably reading this saying, "Why the heck am I still reading this?" Be honest. It seems like just another sappy story with some trash for an ending, right? Eh, this story keeps going. It's not done yet by any means.

Some brief ancient history of my life... I was born to parents who were both in the military, one of which got out of it soon after I was born. We moved around a few times, not as often as some families seem to, but hey, it was nice to get a change of scenery. The last of those moves brought us to Tucson, Arizona, and the start of a whole new chapter unfolded. I went through 5th grade, then middle school- everything seemed normal to me- a happy family that went on vacations during the summer, or me going up for a month or two to visit my grandparents in Ohio. It wasn't until my freshman year of high school when I started realizing all was not well. January 14, 2004. The day my father rocked my world, and my Mom's too, by saying all the sudden that he wanted a divorce.

Years pass, and he did nothing to advance the idea. It took him moving out and back in, then finally moving to North Carolina to live with one of his brothers for a while, for anything to happen, and that was initiated by my Mom. So then it was the two of us- my Mom and I- keeping things going. I got my driver's license right around then, and eventually got a car. Good thing too, as my Mom and I had moved out to a new place. I had to drive to work, and at this point, I had 2 jobs... boy was that tiring...

More years pass, and then here comes a kicker... my Mom's job, out of the blue, tells her as of whatever time, her hours will be halved, she'll lose her benefits through them, and etcetera. She was so angry and sad, all at the same time... She had a friend who said he'd let her live with him, and I ended up finding a studio to live in on my own.

Last year was rough. I lost one of the jobs in April. Money got so tight I kept having to pay the rent late... and by August, I wasn't going to be able to make it at all... and one of the people I was friends with put me in a bigger pickle... (that will be a future post perhaps...) My Mom and I kept having times where we would have a "falling out" and not talk to each other for a while. Well, one happened back in October. I'd gotten ticked off at one thing, and refused to talk to her after that... until the other day she randomly called.

Which brings me to the present. We talked like nothing'd even happened. She told me of her kitties, her horses... The drama at work that was the same, but getting worse... and I told her of my job (I'd lost the other job in October of 2012 and had found a new one finally in January of this year), my kitty and those of my friend I live with now... It was so random, because I was not even planning to talk with her.

What was even stranger though, was I had seen someone I used to work with at one of my prior jobs, who asked how my Mom was doing that same day she called... I'd told her we'd fallen out last year and hadn't talked in a while. Now is that odd or what? Call it a miracle, call it fate, but somehow some benevolent being decided it was time for my Mom and I to start talking again.

So yeah. Sometimes something so random occurs that leaves you scratching your head, wondering what the heck just happened. I know- I just had the excitement of being reunited with my Mom... I think it would be a bigger one if my father would decide to be part of my life again, but who knows... Not holding my breath on that one :3

Until next time...

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